Coldstone cake!
Britton's birthday was July 9th. Also my brother in law Randy's birthday was that day too and they are 10 years a part exactly it's crazy!
We went to dinner with Britton's dad at Ruby Tuesday and then Britton's dad watched Kynlee while we went to the movie Ghost of Girlfriend's Past. It was a fun date night!
I gave him a suit, center caps for our rims on the truck, some S.E.E.K dvd's which are for our college, and 2 shirts. Our mom's haven't gave him his gifts yet.
Wow looks like he had a good bday! I loved catching up on here... your 4th of July pics were way cute, and your hair is super darling too. I like it dark like that, its cute on you. Kynlee is getting so grown up, I loved the pic of her carrying 2 purses, that is such a fun age. Your such a good little mom to keep it all documented and written down. It will be cherished someday. :)
geez can you say SPOILED
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