Monday, June 21, 2010

BABY update

Went to the baby doctor today and had an ultrasound and heard the heart beat everything looks great having a healthy baby! I am further along then I thought the ultrasound shows I am 8 weeks 4 days and due Jan 27th. Only three days difference but everyday counts to me! They took some blood for normal blood work. I go back August 2nd. We will be able to find out end of Aug or first of Sept the sex of the baby can't wait for that!! I threw up for the first time last night that wasn't fun I feel pretty good all day until late afternoon then it hits me and I can't eat dinner or sleep at night already! Things are going great so excited to have another baby!


Nicole said...

Congrats that is exciting! Hope you get feeling better.

Katie Call-Sommer said...

thank you!