I took Kynlee to the doctor today just to get a weight check the doctor wants me to bring her in every 3 weeks. She weighs 18 lbs 8 oz so she is in the 7% now, she gained a whole pound in one month! She is 13 months old the doctor tells me all the time how healthy and a good baby she is, she never fights him when he is checking her ears or mouth or whatever she just sits there. She is very healthy had one little cold and roseola in 13 months of life I can't believe how healthy she is! I sure believe in breast feeding I know that is why she is so healthy!! The doctor says she talks really good for 13 months old. She answers my ?'s with ya or no and she knows what no means when I tell her to come here or stop playing with that she will come to me. She knows what eat is and when she is hungry she will tell me. She says mama and daddy. She says what, good, yum, etc.. She is so happy all the time she is such a good baby. She loves people (don't know where that came from cuz Britton and I are both a little on the shy side) but Kynlee isn't she is very outgoing and wants everyone to pay attention to her and in the stores she is so funny she will get people's attention and talk to them. She is so tiny I have a hard time finding clothes to fit! Her top two teeth are about to push through I can see them! 13 months and only has 2 teeth almost 4... the doctor says their teeth are healthier if it takes longer for them to come in.. so I am glad I sure hope she has good healthy teeth! We brush them she loves that, and we give her fluoride. She loves medicine! She won't drink plain milk so we put strawberry in her milk and then she loves it, but she doesn't like chocolate in her milk. The doctor has me feeding her 6 meals a day so it's so hard to find stuff for her to eat.
I have a question for anyone that wants to answer it.. I have a hard time finding things to feed Kynlee she will eat anything but she only has 4 front teeth so some things are hard for her to eat, even though she chews really well for no teeth. What did everyone feed their kid at this point??? I feel like all I give her is eggs, mashed potatoes, pasta, pancakes, yogurt, pudding, mac n cheese, spaghetti o's etc.. we still do a lot of baby food but there is only so many different kinds I get sick of feeding her the same flavors over and over. She doesn't mind but I wish there was more out there to feed her. ??????
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