Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kynlee 2 yrs old!

KYNLEE IS 2 YEARS OLD TODAY!! She is getting so big! I can't believe it! She's so much fun! She sure loves dora and boots!! She loves hippo's and monkey's too! She got car dvd players for her bday and she LOVES them and so do I!! Becuz she is such a good girl in the car she is glued to the movie and we never hear a peep out of her. It's so cute to watch her expressions when she is watching. She got a bunch of dvd's to go with the players. We also got her a cash register, fake money, abc learning thing, tea set, dolls, clothes, shoes, fake play food with a oven and toaster, socks, pjs, makeup set, dress up clothes and shoes, jewelry box, barbies, doll clothes, puzzles, shower toys, train, etc.... she got lots of stuff I can't remember it all to list it. Grandparents gave her fake food, puzzles, balls, guitars, bows, littlest pet shop thing, dresses, pjs, dora sheets and blanket etc... She sure got spoiled rotten and it's so hard when Christmas just happened and then her birthday and then Easter right around the corner lots of gifts!!!!!! We saved a few gifts for her to open for her party on the 14th. We are staying in Randolph for a week and Sunday we are having a party here for her, then one in Pocatello on the 14th. She got presents Monday night before Britton left and then she got presents today and a cheesecake, then Sunday she will get more presents and cake and ice cream and then next Sunday another party wow!! it's been very stressful on me to plan all of these parties!!

My hubby has been gone doing business stuff....... so Kynlee and I are staying with my family for a week to visit!

We got two full price offers on two houses we have for sale so they will be sold at the end of the month!! We found new renters for our rental house in less than a week so it was great!

We are just staying really busy always!! It's a great life we are living so happy and couldn't ask for more, we are very lucky and blessed!! We have a great life!

I will post more pictures from her opening gifts and stuff later when I get home and plug my camera into the computer!

New born

New born

3 days old

a month old

Kynlee one year old

Birthday girl

2 years old


Megan said...

oh what a cutie! Sad but fun all at the same time.

Steph said...

She is so darling! All those pictures are so adorable too! Happy Birthday Kynlee!

Katie Call-Sommer said...


Katie Call-Sommer said...
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