Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kynlee and I packed up and came back home. We were in Colorado with Britton for the last 3 months. It was a fun little vacation. I loved the shopping! I got all my Christmas and baby shopping done there. Our apartment was so cute and cozy, but I have sure missed my big house! I have missed family! We came to Randolph we are going to stay here a few days and then go home to Pocatello. I have so much to do to get ready for the baby!! It'll be so fun to set up for him! My friend Alisa is going to be throwing me a baby shower Dec 11th that'll be lots of fun!! I plan to stay home and have baby in Blackfoot. We will make some big decisions after baby comes of what we plan to do about moving and all that. I have a list of names I really like but still not one that has really jumped out at me but these are all different and cute so we are getting closer but still no name! Kynlee still thinks it is a sister so we may all be very shocked when it comes out a girl! I may end up doing another ultrasound to make sure we are ready! She prays for her mommy and sister every night we tell her all the time it's a brother and she tells us no it's a sister. I don't think she knows but I have nieces and nephews that knew what their siblings were and were right who knows!! I am 28 weeks pregnant and go to the doctor on Tues for my glucose sugar testing and rhogam shot! I'll be glad to be home!!

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