I got in a small wreck last night. I new the roads were awful slick but I went out anyways I am so stupid! We got like 6 inches of snow and it snowed all day and was foggy. I was going through a light turning left to come home and there was a car coming but a long ways a way so I thought I could make it through the light. I didn't realize how slick it was and I couldn't get going and then when I finally got going I couldn't stop and by then the car was right there he tried to stop too and couldn't so we hit. I hit the side of his SUV with the front of my car, mostly I hit his tire I think. It didn't hurt his SUV at all just knocked a panel off and he said he could put that right back on and no big deal. He was very nice and a young kid like 17! My car: the license plate broke off and there is a couple cracks and tire marks and black paint all over the front, it needs a new bumper but over all it's not all that bad I took the pictures after we cleaned it up a lot so it doesn't look that bad at all! Luckily I was alone Britton and Kynlee stayed home while I went out to return the stupid movies. Then when I got home I got stuck in our driveway we have a big hill as a driveway it's awful!! It's just straight up in the air a big steep hill! Well this was my fun Sunday! That's what I get for going out on Sunday!! Hope everyone else had a good weekend!
ok so now today has been the worst day! The guy called me and said there was $2,000 of damage to his SUV. He said the wheel and stuff is messed up when he drives it. My insurance will take care of it and I don't have to pay anything but it'll go on our record, but it's no big deal I guess cuz we don't have any wrecks or tickets on there so it'll only go up a little bit each month they said! Still totally sucks but could be worse I guess, I could have to pay a lot of money or we could have gotten hurt, I'm glad I didn't hurt the guy. I am also a very honest person cuz after the accident he said that there was no need to call the police and he said his car didn't need fixed but he wanted my phone number just in case so I gave it to him and today he called me with problems but it's ok I wouldn't want to hit and run someone I couldn't live with myself! So it's turning out to be a little better day but I have been so sad and depressed today!! it's been awful!
1 comment:
oh katie i know how you feel i have been in quite a few wrecks not all my falt just for the record oh but it really just makes ya sick in the gut for awhile. O feel for ya!
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