Friday, August 14, 2009

Alisa's baby Kaiyslee (look how tiny she weighted 5lbs 11oz in this pic) she is in the preemie outfit I gave her!!

pampa call and kynlee after eating at chuck arama- yummy

Kynlee having a cat nap

kynlee out on our way home after a long day of shopping around midnight!

Yesterday I went with my parents to Ogden and saw Alisa's baby Kaiyslee and then my mom and I shopped til we dropped! I have the best daughter in the world I bet no one else could say that their baby at 17 months old would shop all day long with only one tiny cat nap in one store and be as good as can be!! And not just today every time I take her shopping she is so good, she doesn't throw fits she doesn't need out of the basket nothing just as good as ever! She doesn't have to have a toy or a treat but she sure loves toys and treats! I bought her a push pop thing and boy did she love that thing! She is so content with the littlest things or nothing at all! I just can't believe this kid!!!! She stays in the basket and is so good in every store! She loves to shop! I taught her at a young age!! My mom rants and raves about how good she is and can't believe that kid, she says she has never seen a baby that good, her kids were good but not that good! This kid will eat anything too! She loves to have "more" of anything anyone is eating or drinking. She loves pop! She is soo good! I am so lucky and blessed! I truly have the best daughter in the world! I got her a bunch of winter clothes and fun stuff it was a fun day!
She says "pampa" and "mamma" for grandpa and grandma.

P.s. these are phone pictures again...easier than getting my camera out of the diaper bag but not as good of pictures! o and we own 2 more houses this week while being out of town that's how good things are going!! We went to the Jr rodeo here to watch my nephew it was fun Kynlee liked to see all the animals and sat on my lap the whole time and watched it!

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