My beautiful house- my lawn needs some TLC it didn't get taken care of last year when the people just left it, so we are trying to bring it back :)
Kynlee loves making a mess!
Going for a walk with our puppy Chaz
My adorable daughter
Kynlee helped me plant flowers, and we love going for walks. I am a little to cocky/happy I guess I just love my baby girl and my beautiful house!! Every post is about Kynlee of course!! She is my whole life. She walked clear across the room tonight on her own so we are so very proud of her. She can walk and has been able to for a while now but she just gets scared to take off on her own, but once we help her let go she goes everywhere and gets so happy and excited and she will clap she is such a joy in our home. She climbs off the bed now too what a big girl! She loves to play in my kitchen cupboards and well the bathroom too anywhere she likes anything and everything but not so much her toys anymore she would rather make a mess with my pans and tubber ware!
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