We went bowling on Friday night in Idaho Falls. Some people in our Nouveau Riche College invited us to come. It's good to make new friends with the people we are learning about real estate with. There were multi-millionaires there it was so awesome! - Just everyday nice people! Kynlee had fun.
Saturday we went back to Idaho Falls, Britton had a intensive that was taught by a multi-millionaire and Kynlee and I went shopping!
Kynlee drinks from her own straw and cup like a big girl. She loves putting on lip gloss like mommy! She doesn't try to eat it she knows what it is! She says so many words.. the new ones are momma wats this (or that)? She says holy cow, she says puppy and kitty and fish, she says these just like that plain as day!! She says eat momma or momma eat and makes noise with her lips. She feeds her baby doll the bottle. She loves to brush her teeth, be read to and say her prayers! She is getting her two top molars. So when they get all the way in she will have 6 teeth. She is so cute and so much fun! Each day is a gift! What a great baby too! I am so lucky for a great husband and daugther I am so very blessed! Britton is a great husband and father he is so good with Kynlee they play together and she just loves him. He gets her to giggle all the time. She says daddy when she sees him and gets so excited and points at him. Britton spoils me rotten! Mostly because I get to stay home with my daughter but also because I can buy anything and everything I want, he takes me to nice dinners, I get flowers for no reason, he is so sweet always complimenting me, will do anything for us. I have a huge beautiful nice house to live in, nice vehicles that I never have to worry about breaking down an overall great husband, father and man!! I just feel so blessed I wanted to complement my husband!
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